The Last Word

This week Cameron ponders the color, shape and purpose of eggs. It sounds like an odd thing to think about until you realize it’s a pretty big deal for the one who laid it. Helen shares a cartoon to commemorate her 20-year anniversary with a very special partner – her sunglasses. Rebecca says that an […]

The Last Word

June 4 – 8, 2018 What with skepticism, inability to write, being wrong about stuff, and beautiful digressions into tying shoes and power outages, this week seems quintessentially LWONian.  LOSE WEIGHT FAST! BY FASTING! Restrict your calorie intake to 500 per day! You’ll be slender and willowy and extraordinarily attractive!  But, says Cassie, probably not! […]

The Last Word

May 7 – May 11, 2018 Ann starts off the week by tapping into her inner Aldo Leopold and remembering the forests of her youth in Northern Illinois. The trees and critters and flowers might be the same but you can’t ever really go home again. Jessa discusses the Green Party and the party over […]

The Last Word

April 16-20 For much of the country, spring warmth is too long in coming this year. Much too long. But we are well past the equinox and the days are getting longer, and that means the running and buzzing and frolicking is under way. Some of the heightened activity means animals are getting busy, Ann […]

The Last Word

Greetings, Folks! Here’s what’s on offer from this past week: I can’t tell you how much I love this post from Ann. It’s about a metaphor related to gravity, or, really, not-quite gravity, what she describes as “still grounded but hair stuck straight out about to lift off….” Nice! Then Rebecca takes us on a walk […]

The Last Word

Another week, another week of great reading here at LWON. We like to think so, anyway. Here’s what you missed: Rose expands on an excellent article she did elsewhere (Rose, how could you?) on virtual reality and empathy…how donning the goggles theoretically can make you care but in practice might do something else entirely. Ann […]

The Last Word

December 25-29 The People of LWON took a short winter’s nap this week and revisited a few favorite posts from years past. On Monday, Erik writes about pilgrimages, both his own and others’. I believe in the open road and the open air and people together on a journey and sore legs and a rejuvenated […]

The Last Word

Happy 12th month, readers! Lurch with us into December with these fine offerings: On Monday Christie brought back a 2015 essay in which she reminds us that, sure, posting our most enviable moments for all to see is good fun, but it’s way less fun than the actual doing. “When we focus on the rendering,” […]