Deer Cheyenne Mountain

I write to tell you that I am always surrounded by animals. The woods are thick enough with pine and oak trees that I can barely see my neighbors’ houses, so sometimes I like to imagine that I have no human neighbors, and the only creatures sharing the woods with my family are nonhuman. The […]

Flying Ant Day: the Q&A you didn’t know you needed

An American: You guys have something called Flying Ant Day. Is this some kind of national holiday?  A British person who is tired of ants: I can see how you’d get there, given the past 14 years of British politics. Quite the opposite, though: it’s the summer day we all dread because unlike other commemorative […]

What is an internal world model anyway?

There was a brief moment in my life when I thought it was obvious what an internal world model is. Self-evident, even! It’s the homunculus version of the cosmos as represented inside the confines of our skulls. Like this Emily Dickinson poem I found in one of Maria Popva’s always illuminating articles about consciousness: The […]

Is that when you decided to remove your implant?

Item code: Partial transcriptDate: 20330503 05:06:35Source: NeoBrane 1.8 cortical interface ExoRAM®™ cacheNote: Data retrieval partial due to implant damage got it done last year because Noah told me it did multiple orgasms for men. Before that I had the Neuron.XI. Which was fine, but it didn’t do that. Actually they specifically said it was impossible, […]

Redux: I Saw Them Standing There

It was 60 years ago today that the Beatles first appeared on “The Ed Sullivan Show.” This post originally ran in 2012. I was watching the Beatles on “Ed Sullivan” the other night when I got to thinking about Galileo. “Ladies and gentlemen, here are The Beatles!” cried Ed, in his imitable style, and the camera […]

The internet and the overmind

When the internet was young, David Bowie was asked by a skeptical journalist whether it would ever have any real impact on the world. Wasn’t it just a fad whose transformative potential artists were exaggerating in a bid to stay relevant with the youths? It was 1999, and while this stance is easy to mock […]

Not Everything Is Terrible

Ed. note: It’s easy to believe that literally every single thing on this earth is broken, awful, and/or doomed. But it’s not true. Some things (not most, but some!) are good. Here are a few unexpected moments—and geese—that have comforted us, given us hope, or brightened a difficult day.

Mentally Vacationing In Lower Summer

An Icelandic beach, which I did not visit this summer. Summer is not over, officially, just yet; I know, it’s past Labor Day, but it is still Lower Summer* here and I am not ready. So although it is not gone, I am already mourning its end, especially the things I did not do, and […]