Abstruse Goose: Many Worlds

Abstruse Goose seems preoccupied with life paths and choices.  This time instead of math, he’s talking about physics, specifically about a theory that the many worlds which according to quantum uncertainty (thus Schrodinger’s cats) can possibly exist, actually do co-exist side by side, maybe in different universes or something.   I don’t know.  It’s pretty arcane. […]

Abstruse Goose: Life Paths Integrated Over Time

Abstruse Goose sure has it in for athletes, doesn’t he.  Fine with me.  I’m less happy that he doesn’t arrange a life path for people who are born modestly, live modestly, work like dogs (actually not like any dog I’ve ever met, friendly mooches), have modest success and a gratifying life.  Boy, is that ever […]

Abstruse Goose & Some Urgent Questions

I’ve never understood how we go about ascribing character traits to animals. Every cat I’ve known fits Abstruse Goose’s checklist, but aren’t we both just making stuff up?  No dog I ever had could remotely be described as “faithful” or “devoted;” they’re in it for the free lunch, period.

Abstruse Goose: Make a Wish

I’m not exactly sure what this is a picture of — I’ve seen it somewhere, maybe a graphic picture of noise? some computer thing? — but given his title, Abstruse Goose clearly means us to think of it as stars. #1.  It looks real.  #2.  Abstruse Goose, if you’re out there, can you tell us […]

Abstruse Goose: the Creation, Part 2

Abstruse Goose says:  The following sentence is false.  The preceding sentence is true. Then he adds:  The title text is true. He’s toying with us, isn’t he. Credit: http://abstrusegoose.com/244