The People of LWON Tell You What to Watch

Welcome to the second of three LWON end-of-2023 lists. This time, we look back at the film, video, and television that has moved us this year. For further view-spiration (viewspo?) here are the lists from four previous years: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 Ann:  Britbox’s Desperate Romantics: it’s a series that knits into a single feature […]

The People of LWON Tell You What to Read

Welcome to a longstanding LWON tradition: our end-of-year recommendation lists. The idea is to provide our beloved readers with curated experiences to fill the rare moment of silence that is the last week of December. Below is a list of top-notch reading material we’ve discovered this year, and if you’re looking for further inspiration, do […]

The People of LWON Are, In Spite of Everything, Grateful

HELEN: I’m thankful for all the new skills I’ve developed in the last 2.5 years. That’s how I’ve kept myself sane in pandemic times. And I’m using them – I’m trying to make a bunch of Christmas tree ornaments with my quilting and embroidery skills by the first weekend in December, for example, and I […]

2022: Resolutions & Aspirations

Cameron: In 2022 I really want to learn how to do a loud whistle. Happy to take Zoom lessons from any Person of LWON, because then I will only be spitting at my laptop and not in your face. Husband told me I should maybe choose a more pandemic-appropriate skill. Christie: Cameron, when I was […]

2021: Bragging

2021 was 2021, but we found things even in 2021 life to be proud of. Being pragmatic, we aim low. Ben: – sort of taught my thirty-pound terrier/pug mix (who is also Jane’s dog’s doppeldogger) to skijor – with a group of fellow Olds, destroyed a group of local teenagers in a game of pickup basketball – plowed […]

What We’ve Liked: Everything

We’ve done this before, talked about the books and films and everything else we’ve liked. Here are our lists from years gone by. And if you should be so moved, we also offer books we ourselves have written. Ann:  I like lemon ginger scones.  They are buttery, a tiny lemon bite and a bigger ginger […]

What We’ve Liked: Films/TVs

We’ve done this before, talked about the books we’ve liked. Here are our lists from years gone by. And if you should be so moved, we also offer books we ourselves have written. Cameron:  Maybe this is boring, but I liked a lot of the new seasons of Netflix series this summer. Especially Lupin (Omar Sy!!!!!!!) and Never […]

What We’ve Liked: Books

We’ve done this before, talked about the books we’ve liked. Here are our lists from years gone by. And if you should be so moved, we also offer books we ourselves have written. Helen: The most entertaining reading I’ve done lately is a pair of young adult novels set in the near future: Catfishing on […]