[This post ran some years back. I’ve been thinking again about food and gut health and all the bad stuff we do to ourselves, so I thought I’d re-run it. I mean, eat what you like. But be mindful of all the things.] —– Here’s what I remember eating as a kid: Oscar Mayer bologna […]
It’s been a rough week for wildlife in my neighborhood. Here are some of the things that happened: Thanks for letting me gently weep. ——————- Sad pics by the author. I left out the diced worm because it looked like a backyard crime scene photo.
God, I love dogs. That’s why recently I started volunteering at a facility where dogs from the very worst conditions around the world are brought for rehab and prep for adoption. It’s run by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), and it’s in a warehouse at a Maryland address not widely known, as […]
I don’t know why this came out in “verse,” but here it is. I’m no poet, but I had fun regardless. And if you read it right, it really does scan! Upon my feeder yesterdayA cowbird male did land,Brown-headed with his body coalAt first glance not too grand.But then I took the time to learnThe […]
[This post ran some years back, and I thought, hey, let’s revisit lugworms! I mean, is there ever a wrong time? Enjoy.] ——— I warned you. Well, I warned someone…probably one of my fellow LWONers…that if nobody suggested a compelling way to fill this space for today, I’d write about lugworms. Time’s up! I’ve actually […]
Look at this worm!! Folks, I met this giant earthworm during a trip to a cloud forest in Ecuador where I was covering amphibian declines with photographer Joel Sartore for National Geographic. It may recall one of those corrugated plastic pipes you use to run water from your downspout to the street, but it’s not […]
God damn it, advertising can be powerful. I mean, not that I would ever buy some stupid crap because I saw it advertised on TikTok, of all platforms…that place is rife with over-hyped junk and over-painted hawkers (the term “influencer” makes my toes curl, no joke) and I’m not pathetic enough to fall for their […]
Sometimes a photo from the past calls out, demanding a story. In this case, no one is left to tell it. My mom (right) died in February 2006, tragically of a brain tumor at 67 years old, and her older sister (left) followed in 2010, her heart failing her (plus, dementia). Here they are, the […]