Penspective: Looking up

In appreciation and imitation of Craig’s ‘penspective’ series, but with less effective photography. I saw these clouds in November and it has taken me six months to figure out how to upload the photo. But I’m glad, in a way, because I have a new perspective on clouds. (I am not sure that I have […]

Bloom Where You’re Planted

Last spring, I wasn’t sure how to use Instagram. I mean, I technically knew how to use it. When I logged on, it was honestly keeping me going each day, watching everyone try to figure out what to do at home and seeing that they were just as uncertain as I was. People made sourdough […]

Beloved Beasts: A Q&A with LWON’s Michelle Nijhuis

Our Michelle wrote a book! It’s called Beloved Beasts: Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction, and it has already become beloved by the many readers and reviewers who have been talking about it even before the book came out March 9. The book chronicles the history of conservation and conservationists in the U.S., […]


            The other day I hovered over the computer as the clock counted down. Was I on the right page? Refreshing, refreshing, refreshing. Was I logged in? At 7:00 p.m., the screen changed, and I zipped around with my cursor, checking the open slots, trying to check the right box.             It wasn’t a vaccine […]

Number the Days

Last January I wrote a post about how much I loved my calendars. All of my calendars. You see, I had several. And I had so many plans. And you know what happened to those plans. Here they are again, looking so shiny and hopeful. * So, on Monday I went away to get some […]

Redux: Whatever Trees

I’m a little bit low on perspective right now, so I’m checking back in with the trees for some resilience inspiration. This post first appeared in 2018. There’s a quote I’ve seen attributed to Ram Dass about why we should turn people into trees. When we look at people (or ourselves), we judge. We compare. […]

Neighborhood Hauntings

I forget this every year—in October, there are places where it is no longer safe to walk. If we want to go to our friend Peter’s house, we can’t go up the street and around the corner as we usually do. If we need to get to daycare, we have to turn and walk in […]