Our Becky wrote a book. It came out yesterday. It’s beautiful. And I got to talk with her about it. * Cameron: Could you tell the story about how this book came to be? Becky: When I started working on this proposal, I imagined it as a sort of appreciation—here’s how cool the Moon is, […]
I first wrote the following post about how much I love new calendars in January 2020, when I was full of ideas and plans about the coming year. Oops. But even as the pandemic waxed and waned, I continued to love calendars. I’d head into January with the idea that I needed to start this […]
I wrote this post when I had young kids who were scared of Halloween decorations. This year, the frights have been different–the decorations have lost most of their power, but we’ve been haunted by a gang of preteen bullies who have been causing trouble and new evening anxieties. I feel lucky to have such good […]
So, you might have read this post before. But have you ever read it while listening to Jack Black sing “Peaches“? Bonus points if you are eating a peach at the same time! * Confession time: I used to be a peach hater. What was wrong with me? It’s a question I often find myself […]
My neighbor and I went to see Barbie this past weekend. I loved it. Without saying too much, I loved the colors and the cleverness and the way that the characters said things that I have thought but haven’t said, and things that I’ve felt but that have never risen up and assembled into consciousness. […]
If you have been at LWON for a while, you might have noticed that I post this one every year–because somehow, once again, it is June. And once again, it is gloomy. But things have been extra-cloudy this year, and people who don’t live in California have noticed! I mean, the Washington Post was even […]
I can’t remember who noticed them first. From far away they looked like a crack in the pavement, or maybe a stick. But then someone crouched down, and then the rest of us did, and the crack or stick or trick of the light turned into a line of caterpillars. They came one after the […]
This post ran a few springs ago, in appreciation and imitation of Craig’s ‘penspective’ series, but with less effective photography. Spring seems like a wonderful time for cloud-spotting here. Last week, there was an amazing lenticular cloud in the shape of a cigar. I didn’t have my pen with me, but I can still remember […]