What Do We Owe Our Octopus Teachers?

Two weeks ago, late to the zeitgeist as ever, I watched My Octopus Teacher, the Oscar-winning documentary about a relationship between a human and a cephalopod. Probably you’ve seen it (and if not, you should!), but, in brief, it’s about the yearlong friendship filmmaker Craig Foster strikes up with a female common octopus who lives […]

Mystery Treats

This week Elise and I completed one of our lives’ great adventures, the John Muir Trail, the legendary footpath that wends along the granitic spine of California’s Sierra Nevadas. In point of fact it’s more accurate to say that she completed it, walking virtually the entire 200-mile course from Yosemite National Park to Mount Whitney’s […]

Snapshot: Uncommon Dolphin

A couple years back, during a day cruise around the Channel Islands, we found ourselves surrounded by a sizable school of common dolphins. (Not a mega-pod, alas, but even a few dozen dolphins is a pretty awe-inspiring sight.) Common dolphins are, as their name suggests, among the most abundant marine mammals in the world; it’s […]

How Baby Snoots Became the World’s Most Famous Manatee

For a recent edition of Smithsonian Magazine, I wrote a retrospective on the life and career of Marie Fish — ichthyologist, bioacoustician, and epitome of nominative determinism. Fish spent decades recording marine animals in her laboratory and at sea, and revealed that, far from being the “silent world” described by Jacques Cousteau, the ocean was […]

The Semiaquatic Martyrs of East Foster Creek

Among the many rewarding aspects of my well-documented beaver obsession is this: it makes for interesting road trips. Roads tend to follow water, which means that you stand good odds of encountering Castor canadensis and its works during any long drive. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve screeched to a halt on a […]

The Nudi Is a Creature Odd

The other day I was rifling through a drawer in search of a notebook — I have a filing system best described as “post-tornado” — when my hand touched an old external hard-drive. I plugged it into a USB port, and years of photos, many of which I’d assumed were lost forever, bloomed on my […]