I’m a science writer, poet, and essayist living by the sea in Maine. I got into science writing for the same reasons I got into poetry: because this life astonishes me, and I want to tell about it; and because this life is rich, complicated, and hard, and talking about it helps. (And, of course, because writing is magic.) I write mostly about health and medicine, disability and illness, biology, animal behavior, pop culture, and monsters. Sometimes I teach classes, which makes me really, really, really happy. My work has appeared in outlets including The Atlantic, Pacific Standard, Popular Mechanics, Bright Wall/Dark Room, and Rogue Agent, on matchboxes and tarot cards, and in anthologies about inanimate objects and the occult. I like moss and rain and bats and glitter and long walks at night.
To keep up with my nonsense, follow me on Instagram and sign up for my newsletter, small magic.