I am an anecdotal science writer, citizen naturalist, an eye in wild places. I have the fortune of joining this crew of precise and wonderful science writers at LWON. I write about cultural history, science, climate, nature, and the visceral experience of living on Earth. Subjects I write about range from water in deserts to pre-Columbian migrations across the Southwest. Outside of books, my narrative nonfiction and journalism have appeared in The Atlantic, Men’s Journal, The Sun, The New York Times, NPR, RadioLab, and I am a contributing editor at Adventure Journal. I’ve won the Orion Book Award, the Colorado Book Award, the Galen Rowell Art of Adventure Award, and three times the Sigurd F. Olson Nature Writing Award. Born in Arizona, I now live in the high desert between the Utah border and Telluride, Colorado.
Website: http://houseofrain.com/