Early in the pandemic, in the spring of 2020, a neighbor was moving out in a hurry. She and her husband had been living separately for some reason – academia-related? – but suddenly she was able to work from anywhere, so she packed up the baby and left. In the process she gave away all sorts of stuff, from housewares to a freezer full of meat to some very sad little houseplants.
When another neighbor saw the miserable pothos I’d claimed, she took it over, giving it a new pot and a new lease on life. The pothos was miserable no more. With plenty of soil for its roots, it flourished, sitting on the end of the shelf over my desk. It grew into the closet; it grew around the power cords; it grew under the desk drawers and poked its little green shoots out on the other side.
And it found its way into the art that I did during Zoom meetings.

Today I worked at my old desk in my apartment – kind of a rare occasion these days, when my apartment has basically become an expensive storage unit. During a three-hour Zoom meeting, I got to look at this old friend again. It’s a good-looking plant. It could probably use a bigger pot.
Photos: Helen Fields, obviously
P.S. This isn’t the first LWON about a pothos!
Love the art & embroidery!
Experience: If you restrict their water to a quarter* cup per week, they stop trying to take over the whole house and exist very happily at whatever size they are when you start that regimen. I have been doing this for (at least) two years after seeing smaller amounts recommended for Pothos. Prior to that I struggled to keep up with pruning!!
*gauging by eye, your pot appears to be about the size of mine.