I’m not sure that my problem is with executive function exactly; my problem might more accurately be described as “not wanting to do administrative tasks.” And, my goodness, when you’re a grown-up, there are a lot of administrative tasks. On the suggestion of a wise advisor, earlier this fall I asked my friend Erika if she would hang out with me while I tackle these administrative tasks, and she does so by hanging out on Zoom doing her work (she’s a teacher; there is always more grading) while I sit at my computer and grumpily work through whatever website task or money-related errand or other thing I need to do in order to keep my life functioning.
At our appointment earlier this week she told me about five big motivators – “I think about this all the time as a teacher” – mastery, autonomy, and purpose, all of which she learned from this book; relationship; and interest. (She credits Stipek and Deci for those last two.)
“You and I are tapping into relationships, for sure,” she told me. For sure! For the next hour and a half, she went through her students’ assignments. I figured out how to do some more things in Square. We complained (ok, that was mostly me) and asked for advice (all me). Stuff got done. Functions were executed. I’ll see her again next month.
Photo: Screenshot by me