Material mirth: It has a nice ring to it. And there’s nothing wrong with buying new cork placemats or ridiculously overpriced hiking socks because new placemats or new socks make you smile. In fact, sometimes buying things you don’t really need is super rewarding. Like, if I could buy a tiny tropical white-sand island with a beach cottage and a friendly resident dolphin, I’d be happier than I am now, during this COVID-gray February in Maryland. Studies have shown that shopping actually can ease sadness–by giving us some control when we may feel we have none.
On the other hand, as a long-term strategy, shoving stuff you bought on a whim into the hole where dread and self-loathing dwell is bound to disappoint.
During the pandemic, I have not gone whole hog on online shopping to fill my own personal hole of discontent (okay, that’s a terrible way to put that), but I haven’t done none of it, either. So, to make it seem like I was shopping for scientific reasons, I thought I’d look for patterns in my purchases to try to explain my behavior–thus elucidating something essential about myself and about our species as a whole. *
What I found isn’t terribly surprising: Almost everything “extra” I’ve bought since lockdown began is related to beauty, to eating, or to cleaning, which makes sense for someone who is stuck at home with a Zoom camera, an inner hunger that only pasta can fill, and dog hair by the skein. (There’s also a smaller but still substantial “comfort” category that I’d submit needs no explanation.) It must be the sight of my pale, puffy face and tired eyes staring back at me daily, the messy desk flanked by stacked mail and laundry, the dog in the background giving off what can only be described as a “poopie” smell, that drives me to seek products that promise a healthy glow in the foreground and a sparkling clean setting (and dog) in the back.
That said, I’ve been known to fall into the ridiculous notion that having a certain thing will make everything that’s wrong suddenly okay. My pandemic purchases, then, have tried to serve two purposes–the one they were designed for and the anti-depressant, fix-what’s-broken, fill-all-voids one.
Some of the items are trying hard to at least fulfill that first part, with mixed results. The second part, not so much.
Here’s what I got:
Jade facial roller
Phytopolleine scalp elixer
Full skin-care line by Mad Hippie
Collagen supplements
Black cohosh supplements (for hot flashes, because nobody looks pretty during a hot flash)

Octopus tentacle earrings
Two sweaters I may never receive from a sketchy company advertising on FB (why, why do I do this??)
Overnight anti-wrinkle patches**
Tub of activated charcoal (for teeth plus)
This bag

(For the record: I did not purchase the cheek-lifting leggings that keep showing up in my “you might be interested in this” cue. And I take offense at Facebook’s suggestion, damn it.)
Two styles of garlic press, because it’s good to have a spare
Chef’s knife
Egg-bite mold, for Instant Pot
New rubber seal that doesn’t smell like aged chicken, for Instant Pot
Vat of tahini (pack of two) because of roasted cauliflower recipe seen on TikTok
Fancy pink Himalayan salt
Case of red wine, through a friend who sells (gotta support my friends!)
Food processor (thankfully I already had a Vitamix and an Instant Pot or I would have bought those, too)
Actual old-timey silver plated silverware (in its own wooden box) to replace embarrassing hodgepodge from college, in case we ever have guests again
Two different mop/bucket “systems” (when did mops reach the $50 mark?)
Magic Eraser (pack of six) for wall smears
Rug rake for loosening dog hair before vacuuming
Dog mouthwash
Cloths for dry dog “bath” (see a pattern here?)
“Green” laundry detergent pods, the subscription

Eucalyptus sheets
The Comfy wearable blanket (which, actually, HAS been transformative)
A plant (mentally comforting, somehow)
Covid mask with Bob Ross silhouette and happy little trees
Gardening containers (they were thankfully free, left by the curb, and it’s too soon to tell…they may still be the keystone in the arc of my happiness, to borrow a phrase)
Okay, now it’s your turn. What have you bought on a whim since last March? Is it giving your life meaning? Is it at least making your hair curl or your rugs smell fresh? If yes, where can I get it?
*I got nothing
for kids–mittens of all shapes, styles, and sizes; metal plates and bowls; barrel of monkeys
for me–old textbooks in biology, chemistry, and microbiology; books by writers that are unavailable at my library; cross-country skis; wine and chocolate
Oh nice! By the way, my wife says the “wearable blanket” has been around for years and is called, in her case, the big pink fluffy bathrobe. She wears this basically ALL DAY now.
My Pandemic Purchases have been centered around kicking Long Covid (I’m in month 10). This is the kind of illness that has me languishing with not enough energy to get out of the house but enough energy to be bored of being stuck in the effing house.
Category 1 – Worthless Supplements
Thanks to the Body Politic long-hauler support group, I’ve now been through 4 or 5 different “this will heal us!” rounds of desperation purchasing. Each new theory (mast cell activation syndrome, NAD+ deficiency, post-viral mediated ME/CFS, viral persistence, CNS inflammation due to … blah blah) comes with a long list of vitamins, minerals, clothings (yes, not kidding), and flora-derived BS. But, you know, desperation makes even a scientist think “Screw scientific method. If it works, I don’t care how or why. I just want to get better.” Hint: I didn’t get better.
Category 2 – Boredom alleviation
– Audiobooks. OMG! SO MANY GOOD BOOKS! But it’s hard to just sit and listen to an audiobook when the mental fog banks drift through. As much as Nancy Springer, Christopher Moore, or Ben Aaronovitch can really hold a reader like me to the story, sometimes more is needed.
– The entire series of CATS jigsaw puzzles from Buffalo Games. I claim that this is because my Long-Hauler daughter was here for a month recuperating along with me, not because cats lazing in the sun or kittens gamboling with multi-colored yarn is cute or anything. Nope. Not cute at all.
– Legos. Yeah, okay okay. Adults like to build things too, right?
– Small hydroponics set because (a) who doesn’t love home-grown tomatoes and (b) watching plants grow is about my speed right now.
Category 3 – Things I Can’t Actually Deal With Right Now Because I’m Too Effing Tired
– Wood & hardware to build a cabinet that will fit just perfectly in that little space right over there. It’s amazing what you can order online.
– Everything for my now overdue motorcycle maintenance.
– Everything for the now overdue car maintenance on my wife’s car.
– Oils for treating the outdoor wood furniture before the winter rains (oops. Too late.)
Yeah, it’s been a weird season. I, for one, am looking forward to getting outside again after I get well. And, after I get my vaccination, going on a multi-state motorcycle trip. I’ll probably gear up for camping just so I can spend more time outside. My “nature” tank is very empty.
Rachel: Sounds like the perfect mix!
Dr. D: I’m unhappy to hear you’ve been struggling with long COVID–what a terrible thing. Glad you’ve still got your sense of humor and things to look forward to. I agree, spending time in nature is the most restorative thing. (The motorcycle is just a bonus.) Get well soonest!
But that’s really all. I feel like I have most anything I might want—that can be purchased.
Or I can’t afford it, like that ultraviolet cell phone sanitizer I was recently eyeing.
On the other side of this coin, perhaps there is a way to pay money and some of the crap in my life that I bought in former times will disappear.
A rescue puppy!!! A great addition to our family, have no idea what she is or how big she’ll get. She’s so happy and brings so much joy. Also bought spontaneous gifts for friends and family for no reason but makes me feel good to send.
I love your list! I am a big Mad Hippie fan! Their sunscreen is really nice.