Coming Back to Life


A friend gave me the cyclamen for my birthday, in early December. I’d had a potted cyclamen once before, in high school or so, and it didn’t last long. In the rush of the holidays, I mentally categorized the new arrival as a temporary plant, and I didn’t do very well at watering it.

One day in January, I happened to notice its stems were drooping, its beautiful pink flowers pointing toward the table. So I watered it and got back to work. But I had a feeling its recovery was going to be dramatic, so I left my phone watching.

The video above is a time-lapse of the next two hours in the life of that plant. It’s only about a minute and a half long. I recommend it.

It feels like a metaphor, doesn’t it? Give this plant some water and it stands back up, its cells returning their customary turgidity, the flowers atop the stalks again instead of dangling at the bottom. When we douse ourselves with vaccines, masks, and a functional White House, maybe we will stand up, too, and present ourselves for live theater, in-person meetings, and hugs.

About a third of the flowers have died since then, so I hope it’s not a super precise metaphor. But, oh, am I ready to stand up again.

Video credit: Helen Fields

6 thoughts on “Coming Back to Life

  1. A favored line from Jurassic Park is “Life finds a way”. What was immediately apparent to me was how Life, as evinced in this cyclamen, picks up speed…momentum…as it takes hold. I also wonder how my soul connects with my flora neighbors…already know there is a connection with fauna neighbors. Your post leaves me, yet again, with a nagging awe of all the life forms all about. Thank you kindly for sharing.

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