On the Bottom of the Pool


A couple of years ago, I decided I was going to draw comics. It didn’t last long – but the ones I did before I quit are pretty fun. One is about a scuba practice session. Here you go.

When this post goes live on our site, I’ll be on a scuba diving vacation in Belize.

A few weeks ago I was practicing in the pool again. I’m hoping this year I’ll finally be good enough at buoyancy, and comfortable enough with the various hoses and valves that are supporting my life, to take some underwater pictures. So I was trying out my dad’s old underwater camera.

Two years ago I was grossed out by my dad chasing a band-aid around the bottom of the pool with his camera. But…look, there just aren’t any fish at the bottom of the pool, ok? And there are a lot of band-aids.

Here’s hoping I have better things to take pictures of in Belize.

A bandaid on the bottom of a swimming pool.

Comics: Me. Photo: Also me, I’m afraid.

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