The Last Word


This week Cameron ponders the color, shape and purpose of eggs. It sounds like an odd thing to think about until you realize it’s a pretty big deal for the one who laid it.

Helen shares a cartoon to commemorate her 20-year anniversary with a very special partner – her sunglasses.

Rebecca says that an exhaustive LIDAR study indicates that city trees are absorbing more than their share of carbon. More than just a handy place to lock up your bike, it seems.

Sarah marvels at the familiar yet bizarre sound of the hermit thrush. If you don’t know the hermit thrush call, then you really need to go outside on occasion. More likely, you just didn’t know tat cool sound was a bird. It turns out this song does more than dazzle, it’s also a sort of biography.

And lastly, Craig and his two boys walk to the sun, carrying backpacks. It’s not really what they did – they backpacked to an outdoor astronomy talk, then flew to Anchorage for the solstice. But the image is just so lovely, I thought we’d end with that.



Photo Credit: Kareni

Categorized in: LWON, The Last Word