The Last Word


May 21 – 25, 2018

Sarah’s ingenious new way of measuring the heat index: a finely-calibrated, exquisitely-sensitive dogmometer.  You won’t know how you lived without one.

Jenny’s guide to the healthiest ingestion of insects (it’s called entomophagy, but you already knew that) includes nutritive value and the all-important assessment of flavor.

Former Person of LWON, Roberta Kwok, on the only way that olden-times people could look at images in groups and be educated & entertained thereby: the magic lantern.

Jessa has veered off the straight-and-narrow of journalism over to ghostwriting, and finds pleasure, appreciation, and a reasonable living.  Move over, Jessa.

Under the spectacular pictures of volcanos/earthquakes/tornadoes/hurricanes/fires/floods and behind the fascinating science, are people who go through it and know what it’s like and what it means.


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