Redux: the Springtime of Robins


The robins are BACK, they don’t intend for you to miss them, flying like bats out of hell, tearing up the mulch, yelling at everybody and stalking around, sticking their tummies out. Wherever they’re going, they need to get there fast so they take a shortcut through my porch.  I was out one morning trying to get robin poop off the porch floor and the local 2-year old came over to find out what I was doing. “Why do robins poop?” she said, and at this point I said I had to go back in the house.

This earlier expose of robins and sex first ran on April 13, 2012.


Photo by gardener41

One thought on “Redux: the Springtime of Robins

  1. How did I miss this piece the first time around? This is my absolute favourite now. It’s the most Ann thing I’ve ever seen.

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