I have a bit of a thing about whales. The shelf above my desk at home is full of whale art, and a National Geographic whale poster hangs in a frame above that. Along with that, I have a thing about Moby Dick, which is a book about whales.
So when it was time for my friends Joanna Church, Kate Ramsayer, and I to follow up the success of Hamilpeep and Knit One, Peep Two, I remembered my beloved whales and suggested: Moby Peep. Neither Joanna nor Kate has ever read Moby Dick – and, honestly, I haven’t read it in like a decade – but I think it was the Peep with a peg leg that sold them on it.

In Moby Dick, Captain Ahab (Peephab) is dead set on getting revenge against the whale. (Many people think this is what the book is about, but you and I know it is actually about whales.) So here he is, out in the boat with some of his top crew members to kill that darn whale once and for all. Because we are into historical accuracy, we included several lances for killing the whale, but because we have limits, we did not make any harpoons.

From left: Our narrator, who asks you to call him Ishmael; Queequeg, the harpooneer; and Starbuck, the first mate (I am extremely proud of the logo on his apron – the mermaid is a peep).

Kate spent many, many hours gluing mini marshmallows onto cardboard. Many hours.

And way in the back there, rolling on the waves – you may know it as the Pequod, but the Peep figurehead and the tiny peep looking over the side should clue you in that this is in fact the Peepquod. Spoiler alert: The Peepquod doesn’t last much longer.

We’d been so rushed on our previous diorama masterpieces, this time we decided to meet early and start working before the Washington Post’s annual contest was announced. In some Murphy’s law of contests, the Washington Post then announced that it is no longer in the business of fun. The Washington City Paper saved the day, announcing they would continue the contest! But, on the neverending emotional rollercoaster that is the Peeps diorama experience, Moby Peep didn’t make it to the finals. Alas. Almost as tragic as the ending of Moby Dick.
Photos: Helen Fields, except last photo, which is by Kate Ramsayer
Brilliant! As always! Helen, you and your co-conspeeprators are the very best!
This is my brother, Helen, whose sense of humor has always been like this. It would be wearing except he’s such a nice guy otherwise.
This is a wonderful successor to Hamilpeep. I actually didn’t know about Hamilton until Hamilpeep, so thanks for that too! 🙂
Thanks for giving us a peep into the creative process, Helen. The result is wonderful!
I have mocked peeps, made fun of peeps, waxed eloquent about how ridiculous they are. I even wrote The Marshmallow Peeps Song, to tease a girlfriend (who remains a friend). (The last line, “Cloyingly sweet and appallingly bland”) But I have new respect for peeps. In the right hands, they can generate copious laughter–which, as we know–is very healthy. Thank you Helen, Joanna, and Kate, for making my day!
Accidentally getting hot coffee up one’s nose at 5am is not a recommended behaviour. But the peeps-show was worth the snottiness.
“People who need PEEPle are the luckiest People in the world…”as the song goes. The cast is wonderful what with IsmayPeep, QueePEEP and StarPeep…..Moby Peep.. ah the whale of my dreams. : )
This was an inspirational tail of perseveration against a sea of politics and reality. Your peeps and pals are magnificent and will rise against the tide. FIRST PLACE
I can’t imagine why this didn’t make the finals. Perhaps the judges have no appreciation for great literature and/or whales. Artistry, precision, perspective (not to mention peeps of Melville’s words), are all masterful. Perhaps you can enter the Seattle Times Peeps contest?