The Last Word


photo-4October 3-7, 2016

This week we rounded up a number of posts about bugs and how we love them. I think it says quite a lot about us that we didn’t even come close to exhausting our supply of bug-love posts.

Sarah attempted to find things to appreciate about ticks, like the cute way they stand on leaves waving their arms around like children looking for hugs. But ultimately their actual role in the ecosystem is to sicken animals.

The courtship dance of the jumping spider has seven stages and lasts up to 20 minutes — a significant proportion of the animal’s lifespan, points out Anne Casselman. And all because the female spider is increasingly hard to impress.

Cameron has had some magical encounters with fireflies, made all the more exotic for their refusal to flash out West where she lives.

Nell Greenfiedboyce cohabited with a funnel weaver spider that bucked unsolicited predictions of her impending death and comparisons with Charlotte of E.B. White fame.

Brooke Borel’s kitchen ant saga is multimedia masterpiece that involves googling “how to remove ants from dog food” while cheering their efforts to carry food up the wall. One of our all-time favourites.

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