The Last Word


shutterstock_286988390April 18 – 22, 2016

Guest Veronique Greenwood starts the week with the first in a three-part series of posts about learning Chinese. (Look for the next installment on Monday.)

Erik doesn’t like parenting books, except when he does. And he really likes The Informed Parent. (But he still doesn’t know how to set up the playpen.)

Stories of people risking their lives to leave their homelands might make us think that humans in ages past had it easier. But our species has always struggled to find safe harbor, says Craig. (“Pleistocene stragglers who survived an attack from a dire wolf pack must have fled into the nearest unknown country, unsure if they would find refuge, their eyes as shocked and sharp and exhausted as those now struggling onto the shores of Greece.”)

Rose spends a few days at the Future History Festival imagining what the present will look like from the future. (“Throughout it all, the task was to step outside of your 2016 body and mind, to peer down at it. . . By the second day, the line for coffee seemed very strange to me.”)

I interview a graphic designer who makes art out of science and music. (This post includes a Prince tribute.)



Image via Shutterstock

Categorized in: Cameron, Craig, Erik, Rose
