The Last Word


A new butterfly clings to its chrysalisSeptember 14-18, 2015

This week was a blend of the old and the new, the past and the present—and how the two connect.

On Monday, Christie reduxes a post about her former life as a researcher, and the mundaneness that is a part of science.

Erik was thinking about Donald Trump before the rest of us needed to—so on Tuesday, he brings us up to speed on The Donald’s true identity.

Helen said she would buy the flowers herself, but she got more than flowers. On Wednesday, she watches the chrysalis that came along for the ride become a monarch.

What will our former selves say to our future ones, and what does it matter? On Thursday, Jessa contemplates time capsules.

And on Friday, I write about marching bands. Why? I don’t know. But I will say that a four-year-old watching The Music Man today has the same enthusiasm for trombones as the fictional people of River City, 100 years ago.


Image: Helen Fields

Categorized in: Miscellaneous
