The Last Word


Rafe_Blue_Marble-June 22 – 26, 2015

Wouldn’t you like to know how to work for clicks and not cash?  Guest Bryn Nelson collects the wisdom of the online media in list form, and you absolutely won’t believe #73.

Michelle profiles/remembers/learns from the biologist Rafe Sagarin, who died too young and who had the choice of moving upward but moved outward instead.

You know how in journalism, if you’ve got three things, you’ve got a trend?  Journalist Helen saw bugs on her window three times and now some kind of bug is crawling up my window right this minute.

Craig went into an anechoic room so quiet he could hear earthquakes in China, and when he left the room and got his senses back New York City was a reassuring river of noise.

I’m pretty sure you don’t want to know the content-per-unit volume of insects that are allowed in your canned tomatoes and peanut butter, but if you do, Jennifer is happy to help.


And not to change the subject, but in form and content and perfomance this eulogy is a gold standard for all eulogies.




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