Abstruse Goose: Game of Thrones = Dragons + War of the Roses


did_the_same_thing_for_lannisters_vs_starksWhen I can’t sleep, my brain thinks it’s fun to enumerate all the things I’m afraid might happen.  I’ve taken to thinking about the derivations from the same Latin root — application, complication, explication, implication, replication — but sometimes get hung up on not knowing what “plicare” means.  I do think the Yorks and the Lancasters would just keep me awake.



2 thoughts on “Abstruse Goose: Game of Thrones = Dragons + War of the Roses

  1. Here’s another item to keep you awake — a British schoolboy mnemonic:

    No Point Letting Your Trousers Slip Half Way –> Norman Plantagenet Lancaster York Tudor Stuart Hanover Windsor

  2. Your brain needs to start going to sleep a few hours before your head hits the pillow, and there’s a signal for that: light the color of the daytime sky tells the brain to stay awake; once the sun sets and that wavelength goes away, melatonin starts to be produced and an hour and a half or two hours later, the level is up to where the brain isn’t spinning ’round and ’round when your eyes close. Of course, since electricity, that requires some filtering.

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