The last word


25 February to 1 March

This week, Ann blew all our minds with the story of the Farm Hall tapes, the greatest-ever lesson in counterfactual thinking.  Also, just off the cuff, who else thinks a dubstep group called “Hitler’s Uranium Club” lurks in our future?

Cameron says no one does austerity quite like the people who lived through the Depression.

Why is it so funny when people fall down? Christie investigates.

Whether it’s science journalism or photojournalism, getting the good stuff means there are no shortcuts. No matter how much the internet makes it seem like there are. Erik makes the convincing case that the media outles that really understand this will have the last laugh.

And this week, Michelle made what I suspect will be a lasting contribution to the field of science writing, demonstrating that the plight of the science writer is nowhere more apparent than in Dr. Watson’s painful dealings with prototypical source Sherlock Holmes. According to Michelle, Watson deserved the equivalent of the Purple Heart for science journalism.

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