The Last Word


shutterstock_50515912December 24 – 28

This was Secret Satan week, in which we science writers confronted our secret fears; which subjects do we find most daunting? Why do they scare us?

Ann got us off to a great start last week with an erudite explanation of why biology’s not for her.

Richard goes into a cold sweat when someone says ‘here’s how it works.”

I consider all the trap doors and open manhole covers offered by neuroscience.

Michelle insists that her hatred of archaeology has nothing to do with mummies.

Christie and Heather tell harrowing tales of bad chemistry .

And Cassie and Cameron dread physics.

Hope you’re all having a lovely holiday season! Come back next week for the dramatic finale of Secret Satan, when Tom will confront his fear of math!

Categorized in: Ann, Cameron, Cassandra, Christie, Miscellaneous