“People who expose fraud are often ostracized and harassed and may find themselves fired or blacklisted. They have stress-related health problems, including shingles, psoriasis, autoimmune disorders, panic attacks, asthma, insomnia, temporomandibular joint disorder, migraine headaches, and generalized anxiety.” Christie examines why whistleblowers do it anyway.
Cassie explains why people run marathons when they don’t even like running.
“At no other time in the history of science was there a single point at which a whole field could potentially come to a screeching halt”: Ann gives us a preview of Particle Fever, the Higgs movie.
Jessa welcomes Aeon to the science writing world. The world needs more tilling.
“Back then, after all, dinosaurs were amazing, but so were the school bus and the toilet.” Michelle rediscovers dinosaurs, and finds they’re even cooler now than they were when she was five.