The Last Word


February 20 – 24

This week, Michelle bestowed upon a grateful universe the phrase “probably unpleasant but non-lethal chipmunk ear punches

Cassie wept as a doctor sang to her awkwardly in Spanish

Ann showed us that up close, cosmological dark matter looks like poppies

Tom found the sole heir to They Might Be Giants’ science song dynasty

And Ginny channeled Joan Miro to explain, in beautiful surrealist anime, how fantastic lengths of DNA manage to coil themselves into an impossibly tiny nucleus.

Extra credit: “Before you go off to start building your apocalyptic weapon, do bear in mind two things.”

Have an awesome weekend, everyone! See you on Monday!

One thought on “The Last Word

  1. Re the apocalyptic weapon: now that right there is a physicist with too much time on his hands.

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Categorized in: Ann, Cassandra, Michelle, Thomas, Virginia
