Abstruse Goose & Some Urgent Questions


I’ve never understood how we go about ascribing character traits to animals. Every cat I’ve known fits Abstruse Goose’s checklist, but aren’t we both just making stuff up?  No dog I ever had could remotely be described as “faithful” or “devoted;” they’re in it for the free lunch, period.

In fact, look at our animal metaphors:  if dogs are so loyal, why is a “dog” someone you’d never trust?  What does “catty” have to do with cats? and I don’t even want to talk about “catting around.”  In what way are sheep “sheepish?”  Sheep just stand around grazing and if your back is turned on a male, he’ll smack you one.  I can see mice as “mousy,” squirrels as “squirrelly,” and rats do seem like “rats” and so do snakes.  But why is a “toad” despicable and a frog just froggy?  Why is a lion “lion-hearted” but a tiger is just a tiger?  Chickens I’ve know are not “chicken,” just stupid and excitable.  This keeps me awake nights.  Is it a great national conspiracy?  Somebody?  Anybody?


2 thoughts on “Abstruse Goose & Some Urgent Questions

  1. Well, the lack of comments suggests that nobody else knows either. I certainly don’t.

    Wasps are definitely waspish, though. And bees are busy.

  2. I know, I know. Some attributes do fit the creatures, but it’s ones that don’t that I think are weird. Some things in life just don’t get explained, do they.

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